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VGR-4 Receiver , VGR-12 Receiver , VGR-24 Receiver

uwe electronic offers a wide variety of VG-Receiver for 4, 12 or 24 VG-Interface-Blocks. From bench-top test applications to complete rack and stack solutions, we provide a reliable and economical test based mass interconnect.

VG R4 Receiver

Image The VGR4 accommodates up to 4 VG receiver blocks. The unit is exclusively configured for small bench-top test requirements. All block configurations are available for the VGR4 except the vacuum port module.

Here you'll find the corressponding VG- Interface Blocks.

VG R4-B1 Receiver

The VGR4 accommodates up to 4 VG receiver blocks. Mini 4 Block Receiver Assembly with Base (with removable bottom and back panel)

Here you'll find the corressponding VG- Interface Blocks.

VG R12-RM1 Receiver for 19" Rack Mount Configuration

ImageThe VGR12 accomodates up to 12 VG receiver blocks. The VGR12 will accommodate any block configuration with a maximum of two vacuum port modules available.

Here you'll find the corressponding VG- Interface Blocks.

VG R12 Receiver in a Benchtop

ImageThe VGR12 accomodates up to 12 VG receiver blocks. The VGR12 will accommodate any block configuration with a maximum of two vacuum port modules available.

Here you'll find the corressponding VG- Interface Blocks.

VG R12-G1 Receiver in a Benchtop

The VGR12 accomodates up to 12 VG receiver blocks. VG 12 Block Receiver Base adapts VG F12 to top row testing on VG R24

Here you'll find the corressponding VG- Interface Blocks.

VGR24 Receiver

ImageThe VGR24 comes in a benchtop. The VGR24 will accommodate any block combination with a maximum of 2 vacuum port modules.

Here you'll find the corressponding VG- Interface Blocks.

VGR24-RM1 Receiver (Rack Mount)

The VGR24 comes in a rackmount configuration. (with open front, side mounting brackets)

Here you'll find the corressponding VG- Interface Blocks.