The finished individual components of special plugs and connectors with spring-loaded contact pins are completely assembled at uwe electronic using high-quality special equipment. Our service portfolio covers various /> Manual work plays an important role in the assembly of customer-specific products. Trained and experienced employees assemble the various components of an article, using certified workflows. Subsequently, all parts have to go through the quality assurance process.
In addition to specializing in the pressing-in of contacts and the assembling of spring-loaded pins in plastic housings, our employees also press sleeves with the lever press into blocks. The floating mounting of contact pins in housings is also one of our tasks.
In this area, a frequently asked requirement is the assembly of multi-pole interfaces with spring-loaded battery contacts as well as the integration of connectors into concrete customer applications.
In the field of cable assembly with wire wrapping or crimping, we can deal with detailed individual requirements. Soldering plays an important role in many cases, even with coax cables. Solder joints are insulated with shrink tubing. Soldering must also be done with the individual cabling of individual contacts. We meet special requirements, such as the complete processing of connectors with spring-loaded contact pins on printed circuit boards, at the customer's request.